Saturday, 5 February 2011

People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be

Today I learned that doing one small thing can make a big difference.

I willingly admit that university has been difficult so far, and I haven't done enough to make it easier for myself. I found it so easy to wallow in self-pity, to think that everyone else is having a better time and there's no point making an effort - it's too late. It turns out that's actually not the case. Not even close.

I'm much happier now, and I'm not going to pretend that was my own doing. I wish I could say it was. I had something to do with it. But, aside from this one small thing I did a few days ago, it was more that I let myself be swept along with the tide. Something came my way and I didn't go against it - I'm not sure there was anything proactive about it. I was offered the opportunity to take part in a performance of Argentine tango at university. We rehearsed solidly for 3 weeks, and then on Thursday it all came to a head (if you want to see the results, click here). The result of all that stress and lost time? I had little enough time as to be forced to do my work as efficiently as possible, when I used to have endless hours and not get it done. I exercised, and felt good about myself and ate better as a result. And, I got to know some really lovely people.

I'm not saying this to get your envy or your sympathy. Things were difficult, now they're easier. Some of it was my own doing, a lot of it was not. What's nice though, is taking to time to reflect on all this, to put things in proportion, and see how easy it is to be happy when I let myself. And now I can't wait for what happens next.

As always, when I'm looking for the titles of these blogs, I find so many I love that I can't just share one with you. So, to quote Guillaume Apollinaire,
'Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.'

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