Wednesday, 12 January 2011

I keep turning over new leaves, and spoiling them, as I used to spoil my copybooks; and I make so many beginnings there never will be an end.

So I'm writing again.

I've had a little encouragement and inspiration from unexpected places, and I've decided it's time to blog again. Just to see where it takes me.

I am going to set myself a few rules, and attempt to adhere to them. Success is not vital, but preferable for the sake of self-respect.

1. I will not be self-indulgent. I will write because I think I have something to say that someone else might want to read. I will not write for the sake of self-gratification or to get things off my chest that are better not published on the internet. I will demonstrate restraint.

2. I will not publish without reading through what I have written. If the quality of my writing is going down, I will stop blogging until I have something to write and some half decent words to express it in. I will maintain a standard [so if I start badly, don't expect any better].

3. I will not write to please or impress people. If my motivation for blogging becomes wrapped up in boosting my ego I will stop.

4. I will not try to sound clever. I will not use long words to show off my vocabulary. I will choose words purely on the basis of how well they express what I am trying to say.

5. I will not try too hard to come up with witty quips. Forced jokes are never funny.

6. I will not blog regularly. Blogging through a sense of obligation or guilt will break too many of the aforementioned rules. And I quite like self-respect.

7. Blogging will be an asset to my life. I will remember a quote by Henry David Thoreau:
"How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live."

So my lovelies, here's to a second attempt at katywithawhyy. Let's hope I learn how to spell 'why'.

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