Monday 11 January 2010

I want to be the one that takes the pain, You can spank me when I do not behave, Mack me in the forehead with a chain

I went to see Greenish Day with Andrew, my sister, dad, cousin and his girlfriend on Saturday. It passed with great amusement - largely stemming from Mr Dave Cool the drummer (in tribute to Tre Cool) performing 'Dominate Love Slave'. As just a taster of what this comprises, the chorus goes (sung in the style of American country music):

Cause I love feelin' dirty
And I love feelin' cheap
And I love it when you hurt me
So drive them staples deep

It may not surprise you to learn that he was somewhat embarrassed about having to play this song, particularly since he is a drummer, not a singer, but it was awesome. It also gained him a lot of fans, since instead of an encore of 'GREEN-ISH-DAY' or 'WE-WANT-MORE' everyone simply chanted 'Dave Dave Dave Dave'. This was particularly amusing since as a second encore only the lead singer comes on to play a couple of electro-acoustic songs. But of course everyone wanted Dave. So after another chorus of 'Dave's the lead came on and said "I'm gunna change my name to fuckin' Dave!"

The moral of the story: Dave wants to be your dominated love slave. Doesn't seem very moral, does it?

Oh and one other thing. Why is there a little wheel chair next to the word verification thingy when you post a comment on a blog? I'm all for equal opportunities and all that jazz, but disabled access to a blog? I'm somewhat confused.

[Update: I clicked on said wheel chair, and my computer froze for a minute, then did... nothing. I suspect they saw through my evil plot and knew I didn't need help with any disability and so they briefly disabled my computer as a kind of 'this is your punishment for messing with the disabled'. I haven't yet figured out who 'they' are...]

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