Tuesday 24 November 2009

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards

I hate decisions. I mean, they really suck.

It's like, you have some choices and you know that what ever you decide, it will really matter. I'm not just talking about 'should I have milky way magic stars or a kitkat chunky?' Firstly, it's blatantly the magic stars every time. But even if you were inexplicably undecided, it's not like it will massively impact on your life. Except you know, if its like the straw that breaks the camels back, and if you eat either you will have a heart attack. But that seems somewhat unlikely.

I quite enjoyed my life prior to college. Sure, there was the big dilemma in year 11 - which college? But even then, I had known since year 4 that I was going to Symonds, when my new friend asked me what secondary school I was going to, because all her friends were going to a different one, then relieved at discovering we were going to the same one, she suddenly asked what college I was going to. Needless to say, we are no longer friends, but again, that is slightly irrelevant (I'm good at digressing aren't I?)

Admittedly, choosing subjects was more of a challenge. And as me and Becky realised on the bus home, we may not have done that great a job at it. But still, it just seems that those major problems were... well, not all that major. Suddenly we are now confronted with massive, life altering problems. University, work, bumming around or pregnancy? For most of us, university was a given, but it still needed thinking about. Then, a gap year or not? This took more thinking about, but I don't know anyone getting majorly stressed out. And then it was the big one, what subject to do, and where to do it?

Unfortunately, there are no obvious answers any more (unless you're Mr Andrew Mark Computing Willbourn). That pretty much sucks. [The lack of answers, not the computing.]

So what am I rambling about? I'm not entirely sure.
How about this: choose what makes you happy, not what other people tell you to do. Don't worry so much about the future, things will work out fine as long as you enjoy yourself along the way. Relax. As long as you give a decision consideration and time, it will work out okay.

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JenterShikari said...

I think you are silly.
It's an EASY choice.
Pregnancy ALL THE WAY :)

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