Sunday 18 October 2009

I am not young enough to know everything

My second comrade has fallen.

After a long and noble struggle, Adam finally succumbed to adulthood, and but a week after my dear Becky. We children salute you both.
Fortunately, we can always rely on Miss Overstall, who will be turning 8 next week!

Here's something I found while stumbling (stumble has now appeared more than once in my blogs. This is worrying). On a feminist website, there was this picture:

While this may be empowering, a fight against sexism, blah blah blah, I do wonder why a strong, independant, self-reliant woman must be pictured exhibiting typically masculine traits. Apparently, being capable of impressive body strength and mean looks will make the female gender equal to males.

Umm. I'm not convinced. Shouldn't the point of feminism be: yes, both sexes are very different, but that doesn't make one better than the other. We shouldn't have to conform to the behaviours and attitudes of the opposite sex to be respected by them.

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Anonymous said...

Don't worry, thanks to my special aging system, I'll never age above 10!

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