Thursday 24 September 2009

Murder most foul, as in the best it is

I got home today and made a terrible discovery. I'm sure many people have received a teddy bear for their birthday at some point, and while I realise my most recent birthday was my 17th, so it may appear a little unorthodox to be given such 'childish' presents, you'll see how cool it was in a minute. But anyway. Said Teddy Bear had been residing in my lounge for quite some time, happily observing us go about our immensely boring lives.

On returning home from college today, I was disgusted to find out that my bear had been savagely murdered. I kid you not. Not only was this a heinous crime, but it was done by hollowing out the chest, and, I can only assume, removing the heart. I was devastated.

However, there was an upside: he was rather tasty. [Don't worry Andrew, there is some left!]
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I would at this point like to tell you that I am not actually accusing anyone of such a crime. On closer inspection it appeared that he had, in fact, melted. [Presumably in this Indian summer we are experiencing.] Oddly, that's at least partly not a joke.

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