Tuesday 3 November 2009

Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not

In the past week or so I've thought of, and sometimes begun, some fairly rant-y blogs. So instead, I will tell you about a story I heard fairly recently that I found quite inspiring. I don't write enough positive stuff I think, so I'll tell you about a woman who, although I never met her, I think was pretty cool.

Weirdly, the lady concerned is Ellen MacArthur's Grandmother.

She was an intelligent, ambitious and very determined woman who loved to study, and was fortunate enough to be offered a scholarship to university. Sadly, because her family didn't have enough money her father made her turn the place down and got to work. Over the next 66 years she married and started a family, but continued to dream of achieving the degree she had been unable work for, in the hope that she would eventually get what she wanted her entire life. Late on, she began to work incredibly hard, studying GCSEs and A levels, even attending school with her grandchildren in her mid-70s. Finally, at the age of 82, despite being diagnosed with lung cancer and pneumonia, she graduated from Derby University with a degree in European Studies and French, just 3 months before she died.

Now here's a quote that I thought was pretty thought provoking. It's from Mr John F Kennedy.

When written in Chinese, the word "crisis" is composed of two characters. One represents danger, the other opportunity.

So here's to determination, having vision and really, being cool enough to inspire someone.
I dare you to go out and do it yourself. I know enough normal human beings who inspire me every day, most of whom have no idea they do it.

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