Saturday 15 August 2009

Space isn't remote at all. It's only an hour's drive away if your car could go straight upwards

So I haven't written in aages. I had all these witty things to say about my holiday in Weymouth, but it turns out I forgot pretty much everything. Also, it seems a little late now since I've been back a week. The one thing I do remember however, is we went in this medieval church in this tiny little village, it was all very pretty and ancient and holy... So flicking through the visitors book, what do I find? Comment: it pushes all the right buttons.

Umm. Right.

Moving on.

I started driving! It's very scary. I had my second lesson today, and it wasn't til now that I realised driving is actually scary. Since last time we spent an hour and three quarters scooting round the industrial estate at an average of 0 mph [it was somewhat like the tortoise in the kitkat advert, we toddled a long a bit, then had a little break, then toddled a long a bit, and had a little break] but this time she decided it would be a good idea to take me in the Winch area to drive on some real roads. Yes. With cars and everything.

It was fine, I fortunately didn't kill anyone, though there was a moment when I thought a pigeon might be for it. However, there are these things called motorbikes. And cyclists. And pedestrians. I never knew how terrifying these things are until I got behind the wheel of a car and started driving at national speed limit. Admittedly I wasn't doing 60 near any pedestrians, but there were definitely motorbikes. Fucking scary, I tell you.

Other than the whole, being scared of other road users thing, it went pretty well. Turning right on a junction is quite amusing when you can't see who's about to hit you because your car is stupid enough to have metal holding up the windscreen. But yeah, when there are no cars, 60 is awesome.

As Zak would say: weeee (:

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