Friday 28 August 2009

Life is like Tetris. If it doesn't fit, just flip it over.

I have become worryingly addicted to tetris. It's pretty sad really, I mean plenty of people can get addicted to games, but seriously... tetris? It's ever since I got my first score over 100,000 which means you get a random animation of a rocket taking off (it's incredibly boring really) but it drove me to work harder to keep acheiving this. There may well be other animations you can 'achieve', but quite frankly, anyone who is actually that good at tetris needs to find something better to do with their time. I, however, am even worse, since I'm not that good, but I still need to find something better to do with my time. Which is why I'm procrastinating on blogger, which is a giant waste of time for two reasons: 1) the only people who read this are at various festivals/abroad and 2) I should be doing some of this damned homework that is sat in front of me, and very rudely not completing itself.

Anyway, I'm off to York soon for a few days, and fully intend to leave my gameboy (yes, that's how old school I am) at home, so I can begin to curb my addiction. Unfortunately it won't be that long a holiday, so I will probably get home and back to my beloved just as the cravings get bad. And in case you were wondering, when I referred to my 'beloved' I did mean my tetris game, not Andrew, Becky, or any of my other lovers :P

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