Wednesday 29 July 2009

One always has a better book in one's mind than one can manage to get onto paper

I haven't thought about what I'm going to blog, so here comes rambling (which I will hopefully edit at some point) in a vain attempt to produce something funny/interesting/anything at all....

I'm discovering how insanely boring the internet is. [It makes me laugh that spell check requires 'internet' to be capitalised] I mean, facebook? Come on, we just spend hours flicking through the inane thoughts and images of random people. Not that I can talk, since I frequent facebook at least once a day. And Andrew will be pleased to learn I also got stumble. The websites that come up are pretty good, I mean, I can see why you would spend hours stumbling, but woow is that a waste of your life.

I just stumbled and found a website about how to tell if someone is lying. It says very few people can fake a 'genuine' smile. You know, where your eyes move as well as your mouth. Awesome. I'm one of those people. Quite a proud moment. Now I sound really bad though, since I'm basically saying I fake smiles. I don't, I just mean I smile more enthusiastically than I may feel, but only on people I kind of know. My smiles are usually pretty genuine. Shush Katy. Shovel?


Until today, I had never before had a desire to eat shower gel. I had stolen my sister's, and it was that weird stuff that comes out like a really thick gel but turns to foam before your very eyes. Anyway, I was admiring this miracle of modern science, when the thought 'wow. I wonder if that's edible' actually passed through my mind. Yep. For a minute, I actually wondered if I could eat shower gel.

The only way I can explain this is because I had recently been reading a cookery book which had an entire section dedicated to foams. I realise I'm weird. First, I admit to reading the preface of a rhyming dictionary (which, apparently, is said 'preh-fice' not 'pree-face' but never mind...); now I'm reading recipe books about foam. Anyway, it made me think about eating foam, so it is a fairly logical step to wonder if my shower gel is edible. Well I think it is. But then who else follows Katy-logic? I'm just a crazy person.

Sorry, that's probably not PC is it? But then nothing is... Having said that, I'm told the whole 'baa baa rainbow sheep' thing isn't actually true. Thank God. But then, I was watching a documentary on aggression with included a token shot of some nursery school kinds singing 'twinkle twinkle traffic light' (though I do seriously doubt this was for political correctness related reasons). This was just before they were involved in a highly unethical study. Unethical because there was absolutely no consent, since none of them knew they were even involved in an experiment. Not that they probably would have cared, since they really wanted that scooter.

Wow I can ramble. I'll shut up now. I really should write with more structure... or you know, thought.
Here, instead, just for you, was a Katy-mind-splurge.

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Your loving wife said...

I think you did actually eat the shower gel, and that caused the crazyness of what you just wrote.

Anonymous said...

Katy did a brain sneeze!

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