Saturday 25 July 2009

Balls, I'm running out of Viagra

So last week was awesome...

I won't ramble on about it, since it's likely that the only people who will be reading this are the ones who went to Arundel with me. But for anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about, check out this created by the amazing Miss Overstall.

Meanwhile, back in Katy-land.
I was reading the preface to my Rhyming Dictionary [I realise there are a lot of socially unacceptable parts to that sentence, which will inevitably result in one of you looking at me with disdain, and with a simple '... tard', be gone from my life. Anyway.] Benjamin Zephaniah is a pretty awesome guy. He pointed out that you can walk into a book shop, and every incredible creation in front of you is just a different rearrangement of 26 letters. I mean. Wow.

I know I'm sounding more and more lame by the minute, but I think that's kind of phenomenal.
That people can create such different words, stories, poetry, and whatever that will move or inspire or maybe disappoint people to such an extent as so frequently happens, with the same 26 letters.

I'm sorry, I'll stop talking now.
This is what happens when you don't blog for aaaaaages.

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