Monday 22 June 2009

Being a super-hero is hard; you have to save the world. Being in school is harder; you have to save yourself

I had a rather entertaining conversation with Katie and Rachel on the bus home today. We were discussing what super powers we would have, and for some reason we had to choose from Wolverine. I haven't seen this film, so it was more a case of Katie choosing for us, but that was amusing anyway. Apparently I would be Storm, so I could change the weather.

So I decided to Wiki super powers, since we are told on a regular basis in 'extended project' [ha! I wish] lectures, it is a brilliantly useless tool. So here is my top 5 powers:

1 Merge

Ability to temporarily merge two beings into a single being, which results in a completely new and stronger being

Excuse me a minute, we are just going to become one person -schloop- bollocks we got my face and your intelligence.

2 Duplication

Ability to create physical duplicates of oneself

Cloning on a mass scale. You could have a whole army of you. If that doesn't scare away your opponent, nothing will.

3 Prehensile/animated hair

Ability to animate and lengthen one's hair.

The ultimate protection from unwanted advances in a bar: *lifts up arms to reveal immense, ever-increasing underarm hair*

4 Omniscience

Ability to know anything and everything

Well, there's nothing new there for me. But you guys can dream.

5 Teleportation

Ability to move from one place to another without occupying the space in between

It's like flying for the lazy.

Oh and btw, to all you disgusting males (and females), x-ray vision is totally overrated. I mean sure, you can see through their clothes, but surely you would also see through them, so that wouldnt be so helpful?

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Anonymous said...

Ugh, Storm isn't in Wolverine, silly. (Unless you count a teeny tinu cameo from someone who is possibly the young Storm). She's in the other movies.

BTW, the word verification for this comment was "shagness"

Scared now...

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