Tuesday 12 May 2009

Hail to the Bus Driver

I had a strange experience today. I met a friendly, polite bus driver. I kid you not. [Crap, I'm writing about buses again. Ahh well, it has to be shared]

It's just madness. Madness? No, this is not SPARTA. Oh no. Andrew has got me quoting 300 when I've never even seen the Goddamn film. Hmm.

Anyway I also invented a new game, a bus-stop-boredom-buster, if you will. If you have unlimited texts, or are just feeling spectacularly rich, you have to do something I'm going to call stream of consciousness texting. It involves texting an unlucky person constantly, with every random thought that comes into your head. For example

So I don't really know what to say anymore...
But then that's kind of the point I guess...
You just ramble until you find an interesting topic...
Like how 3 ambulances just went screaming past in quick succession...
There are too many ambulances in Winchester...
But then we were just at the bus stop by the hospital...

Any of you twitterers would be excellent at this I'm sure. It should thoroughly annoy whoever is on the receiving end, and fill up their inbox with phenomenal speed. Unless of course they're mad enough to, heaven forbid, like it. I should warn you though, it does involve paying a lot of attention to one person, so they will swiftly find out that yes, you are in fact a complete nutter.

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Anonymous said...

I was consciousness twittering on the bus today actually...I saw a guy in an RBF shirt...was the driver shaven bald? Cos I think I had him too...

PS. You realise you are now my next target for consciousness texting don't you?

KatyDots said...

yeaah that was probably him
crap, i shouldn't have suggested this :P
hmm, actually its more fun if the other person has no credit, then they can't tell you to shut up! haha... why do i keep talking?

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