Wednesday 20 May 2009

Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city

You know its time for your sister to come home from uni when:

- You [and your dad] are apparently in charge of arrangements to meet up with her friends.
- Your mum has suggested that instead of replacing your collapsing planks of wood with a new desk [you know, one of those things with drawers that actually open rather than having to be physically lifted out balanced on the one below] you get rid of it all together and semi-permanently move your assorted piles of paper onto aforementioned sisters desk.
- You find yourself stinking to high heaven because you just submerged both your hands in her fish tank in order to resolve the emotional problems [I can only assume they're emotional since there's no apparent functional problem] the filter seems to be encountering as it fails to prevent said tank from turning a delightful shade of green.
- You start blogging about her coming home from uni...

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