Monday, 23 May 2011

Edit: There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it

Words I never expect to think, until I start trying to revise:

"I feel like going for a run"
"I might go on facebook chat now"
"These seems like a good time to go to Costcutters"
"I wonder what I can do with my hair"
"It's windy outside"
"It's still windy outside"
"I know... Stumble!"

Everyone likes a game of tennis.
Mmm sexy stuff.
My colouring-in feels pretty inadequate now.
What goes on in your mind?
And if you're really bored.

So now you can procrastinate too! :)

p.s. I'm excited by what Google analytics is showing me (not that i wish to imply I'm getting much traffic) because the places people are visitng from are, among a few obscure visits, Coventry, Egham, Southampton and Royal Leamington Spa. That's a mighty familiar list of places! :)

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