Monday 7 September 2009

A word is dead when it's been said, some say. I say it just begins to live that day

It struck me today how weird the word 'brim' is. I mean, you know when you say words over and over and over and over and over and over until you're just saying 'un dover' and it not longer sounds like a recognisible word? Brim sounds stupid when you just say it once. Think about it: 'it brimmed over'. Brimmed? Hmm. Anyway, I don't mean to slag off random words. I'm just weird.

This website told me two very important things: I'm bisexual, and a genius, much to Andrew's delight. It is a very simple IQ test. So simple in fact, it will only tell you whether your IQ is above or below 160. In other words its totally stupid, if only because it revealed that my IQ is over 160. But still, quite amusing all the same, particularly because I wouldn't stop watching the silouette spin, with her rather perky nipples. I bet those of you who hadn't already have now clicked the link.

On the bus on the way home I was sat behind a girl who splayed herself across the seat, crocs dangling, and got out a knife, crackers, butter and a baby bell and proceeded to make herself a bizarre sort of sandwich. The human race is a strange, strange thing.

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