Tuesday 17 March 2009

I'm walking on sunshiine...

I do love Reel Big Fish. As soon as I typed that I realised what a stupid thing it was to say. I mean the song wasn't written by them. And I don't think the cover I have is even by them.

But still. I love RBF :)

Today was so much fun, it's incredible how happy everyone becomes when the sun shows it's face. We actually ventured outside and were semi-sociable for a significant amount of time! Naturally this didn't last and we managed to find our own patch of sun to hide from those nasty people-things...

Anyway, it really is incredible how related people's mood is to the weather. When it's rainy and crap everyone is depressed and grumpy but the way people were play fighting, sharing party rings and playing ukulele is testament to what a sunny day can do. And how it can bring people together ;)

But anyway, enough of that. I seem to be failing for things to complain about. I can't even seem to complain about that, so that damn sun must have changed me (albeit temporary)!

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Anonymous said...

Here comes the sun, la la lala! It was nice. Even the silly lady who told me and Ed to stop fighting didin't ruin my mood. Though I did find it a wee bit scary when she said that she'd been watching us....

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