Wednesday 21 January 2009

I'm funny!

This blog title may have been a biit of an exaggeration, but still, thanks Andrew for inspiring me to write again. Right, on to more self-deprecating things...

Last week Lazy-Fuck Harrison, Lazy-Fuck Willbourn and Energy Whittington were all disappointed that the gym was closed so we couldn't do exercise. A never before seen occurrence and presumably never to be seen again. Naturally me and Andrew went to Starbucks and got fat on unhealthy drinks to make up for it. The bizarre thing was that the same thing happened to me AGAIN this week. I mean seriously, two weeks running? Well, it was fairly surprising that the gym was closed twice, but on top of that the fact that I was actually upset about this was just plain weird (yes, I can spell weird, thanks Becky).

That's all for now, should be another one tomorrow :)

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