Saturday 25 April 2009

Getting down to it...

Sex is a strange thing.

The concept that is, not the actual act. I mean, it doesn't really get much more normal than sex. Lets face it, most of us are the result of it (and yes, it is wrong that you are now thinking about your parents holding each other tenderly in a position reminiscent of canines).

Until relatively recently it has been essential in the process of propagating the human race; even now it is clearly the most common form of conception by a long way. The incredible hush that so often surrounds the subject is somewhat bizarre when you consider how integral it is to life. Notably, teenagers (I realise particularly myself) are perfectly comfortable yelling innuendo at one another ('In your endo!' Funny...? Thought not) however I personally do not broach the subject in a serious manner with anyone but my closest girl friends, and even then I don't like using a lot of the words. It's pretty pathetic.

What I don't understand is how society has allowed such a (dare I say) mundane topic to become totally taboo. Unless this is the secret of its success. Could it be that in making sex the ultimate dirty word, we retain the excitement and meaning behind it, so its not just about producing heirs? That reminds me of 1984, where sex is treated as an act of defiance against the government. Damn thats a good book. Anywaaay... the moral of the story is: keep making filthy jokes, getting filthy looks from adults, or you'll never have filthy sex. The end.

Wow I'm weird.

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Anonymous said...

Rarr! I blame the Victorians for the whole taboo thing. Hypocrites - they also practically invented porn... (I think)...

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